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How to be Excellent at Cleaning

Writer's picture: Jennifer YarbroughJennifer Yarbrough

Updated: Jan 11

Sometimes employer and employee expectations do not align, and helpers can find themselves wondering why the employer was not happy despite their working hard every day. Here are some tips to make sure your employer notices your diligence so you can become excellent at cleaning.

Be a people person

If there's one thing that can drive an employer crazy, it's having someone rummaging through their personal belongings to clean. You have to be mindful about this. You're getting into their business and they are rightfully going to be a little insecure when you mess with their mail, organize their nightstand (tip - do not open the drawers unless specifically asked to do so.), and especially move around their things that cost a lot of money when dusting, such as vases and expensive lamps and decorative items. Approach it from a perspective of understanding. Ask first before touching sensitive items. Questions like, "Do you want me to bring in the mail?" or "Should I organize the drawers here?" go along way to being sensitive to their belongings. An understanding and calm demeanor goes a long way.

Be trustworthy

If rummaging through their belonging doesn't drive them crazy, cleaning and taking care of expensive belongings can really stress an employer. You must be trustworthy. They must be able to trust that you will not steal, damage or break their items. You work hard for your things, imagine if someone broke your favorite vase? What do you do if you break something? The best course of action is to immediately tell the employer and don't let them find out on their own. If it comes from you, they will perceive you as being honest. If they find it on their own, or realize it is missing, they will perceive you as being dishonest. Once an employer views you as dishonest, it's very hard to repair that relationship. You should always come clean with your mistakes.

A neatly made bed

Follow directions

Many employers will tell you exactly how they want thier homes cleaned. They may be particular about how they want their towels folded, or their beds made. They are paying you for a service, and they are allowed to tell you how they want this service to be performed. If you decide your way of making a bed is better, or it's just easier to fold towels in fourths rather than thirds, you may be out of a job rather quickly.

Be detail oriented

If you remove all of the items off a shelf to clean it, put them back exactly how they were. Imagine if someone cleared out your bathroom shelf, and put everything back in a different order? What if they had spent hours putting things together exactly how they wanted it and suddenly they come home and everything is shuffled? This can be a really big deal to a lot of people. If you leave a streak on the mirror, clean it again until it's off. You're striving for perfection when it comes to cleanliness. If you are too short to reach the top of the mirror, don't stop wiping half way up. Get an extension pole and finish the job. Other places people notice when they are not clean include:

  • dust in corners

  • dusting cobwebs from the ceiling

  • regularly cleaning fans

  • streaks on mirrors, shower doors, and windows

  • grease on the backsplash of the kitchen

  • crumbs on the floor

  • spills in the refrigerator

Cleaning supplies ready to go

Be knowledgeable about cleaning products

Cleaning products can be dangerous when used incorrectly. They can destroy a surface if it's not the correct type of cleaner. Marble floors are sealed, but vinegar and other types of cleaners can destroy the floor. This will cost your employer thousands to fix. Some kitchen counters require special cleaning products to protect them. Stainless steel appliances need a special cleaner. Abrasive cleaners can ruin glass or ceramic finishes. Make sure you know what you are doing before you use a cleaning product on an item. Ask first if you don't know.

Work from top to bottom, left to right

Nothing is more frustrating than to clean a floor, then dust and have the dust spread all over your freshly cleaned floor. Clean top to bottom, such as ceiling fans and high shelves first, then middle range items, then the furniture and lastly the floors. This eliminates having to do a step twice. Cleaning left to right ensures you treat the room like a grid, and nothing is missed. It will make you more consistent and thorough.

Use a bucket to keep them with you and ready

Keep your tools handy

If you have to keep running around to find your various cloths and spray bottles, you won't be very efficient. Carry everything you need in a bucket with you so you will have it all at the ready when you need it. Eliminate running back and forth to the storage cabinet and save time.

These tips will help you shine at cleaning! Got any more tips? Please share them in the comments.

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