As an employment agency in Singapore, we help a lot of foreign domestic workers find great families. We work very hard at it, and sometimes it feels like the helpers take us for granted. Here are some things I wish more helpers would do to help your agents and make our jobs easier.

Please reply to our messages or WhatsApps. I really don’t understand this behavior. You registered with our agency, took the time to fill out an application, then when we message you with a job, you don’t reply. Why is this? Why not just reply that you aren’t interested in this particular job, or you’re busy can you reply later? Already found an employer? Please tell us this so we don’t look for you anymore. It’s just common courtesy.
Be honest. Please be honest in your biodata, in your reasons for leaving, in your reasons for not accepting a job. The worst is when we have a job offer for you, and you leave the employer hanging for days, sometimes never replying or answering our calls. Can’t you just say no, I’m sorry but it isn’t the right fit for me? I’m ok with that. Nobody will make you go with a family you don’t want to go with but at least give the person who went to all the trouble to set up your interview the courtesy of a reply in a timely manner.
Please go to your interviews. It seems obvious, but if you agree to an interview, please follow through. Whether we set up a video call or an in person interview, please at least go to it and give us your feedback afterwards. Not showing up is embarrassing for us. The employer sat there waiting for you to meet you, excited about the prospect of you joining their family. It’s a bit like getting stood up on a date. It makes you look so bad, it burns a bridge with us too. Be an adult and show up to your interviews, on time. Some of the excuses I hear later include “Sorry ma’am, I was having lunch with my friends.” (Where are your priorities?) “Sorry ma’am, my other interview was at the same time.” (Really? You didn’t know about this before?) “Sorry ma’am, I don’t want that one.” (Again, just be honest.)
Please update us when your circumstances change. Did your employer change your release date? Did you decide to renew your contract? Please update your agency so we know. We need the most up to date information to help you!
These are 4 small things you could do to make it easier on your agents!
I am an agent with White Glove, EA 19C9581, R1982354, UEN 201901495Z.