If you are hiring a Filipino worker, you will need to learn about the OEC. Here is some information to make it easier to understand what this is, why you need it, and how to get it.
What is an OEC?
OEC stands for Overseas Employment Certificate. It can also be called an exit pass or exit clearance. The OEC is required for FIlipino domestic helpers to leave the Philippines. If they do not have their OEC, they will not be allowed to exit if the immigration officer suspects they are going overseas for work. This is meant for their protection, to help them avoid scams, and to make sure their overseas workers are well cared for abroad.
Unfortunately, most helpers lack the essential information required to get an OEC. They don't understand the requirements, and it can be complicated and confusing to try to explain it to their employers in a language that is not their first language. Don't worry or panic, we are here to help walk you through this process.
What is the OWWA?
The OWWA stands for the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration. It protects the interests of the OFWs (Overseas Filipino Workers), and provides them with social security, help with legal matters, remittances, and overseas employment. Each worker needs an OWWA membership that needs to be renewed annually. In order to get an OEC to clear exit immigration, the worker needs to have a valid OWWA membership.
They also enjoy some benefits when exiting the airport. They get:
Travel tax exemption
Airport terminal fee exemption
Reduced travel tax for their spouse or dependents
How do I get the OEC for my helper?
The first step to getting the OEC for your helper is to get her contracts verified. When hiring her, the agency may provide this service as part of their service fees, or they may charge an additional fee to get your contracts verified with the Philippines Embassy. If you do a direct hire and process the paperwork on your own, you may need to engage an agency to get this paperwork registered. Your helper is also able to do it on her own, if she has the time to go to the embassy. The embassy can direct her on the paperwork that needs to be completed, but a lot of helpers get overwhelmed with the requirements. If you are sending your helper home in a short amount of time, or at a very busy vacation time like Christmas, you may want to engage an agency because appointment slots can fill up quickly. They require the following: valid passport with 6 months validity, embassy contracts, an online appointment, and a valid work visa.
Here are the steps to getting an OEC.
Verify your contracts with the Philippines embassy. They have their own contracts that are different from the valid contracts used in Singapore. They do not allow any modifications. The contracts need to be submitted with supporting documents from both the employer and helper. Contract verification is good for 2 years. We are now including the contract verification as part of our service fee for new clients, to make this process simpler for our clients.
Update the helper's OWWA membership.
Once the contracts are verified, your helper can request the OEC to be printed from her OWWA account. The OEC is valid for only 60 days, so it's best to request and print this right before the trip, especially if it will be a long trip. If your helper is going on home leave again during the valid contract period, you only need to request another OEC from her OWWA account.
Once she has that valid OEC, she can travel home. Any questions or need to engage an agency for help? You can email us here: admin@wg.sg.